Lu Ming

  • 网络卢明;陆明;路明;陆铭
Lu MingLu Ming
  1. Interview whit Lu Ming


  2. Please tell him that Lu Ming tried to contact him .


  3. I am Lu ming . I come here to welcome you .


  4. Another great shot from Lu Ming went over Jiang mei 's head and into the middle of the goal .


  5. Finally , this paper analyzes the special significance of the writer Lu Ming and his literary creation . This significance is not confined to the literary level , but also has the important social meaning .


  6. Lu Ming , a professor of economics at Shanghai Jiao Tong University , said , " When considering the plan to build the Disney resort , the Shanghai government must have analyzed how it would benefit various sectors . "


  7. Their best striker , Lu ming , scored in the thirtieth minute . earlier , the midfield player , Ma zhengquan , had scored the first goal in only the second minute of the match .


  8. The elevated bridge on Cao Xi Lu of Shanghai Ming Zhu LRT line is of ( 54 + 128 + 54 ) m pre - stressed concrete tied arch continuous beam bridge .
